Rehabilitation after Foot Surgery in Perth

rehabilitation after foot surgery

Rehabilitation after Foot Surgery in Perth

What is rehabilitation?

The term rehabilitation is used in a variety of different settings and contexts. It can be defined as the process of optimising physical and functional states following injury, illness or disease. Post-surgical rehabilitation is type of rehabilitation that aims to return the person to their pre-injury or pre-operative level of function. It not only involves physical interventions; education forms a fundamental aspect that is vital to success in achieving set goals.

Why is it important after foot surgery in Perth?

We know from documented research that changes in the body take place on a physiological level after a period of immobilisation. For example, the time period when wearing a post-operative shoe or moon boot, which is common after foot and ankle procedures. Immobilisation results in decreases in muscle strength, weakening in ligament insertion sites and changes to joints and cartilage quality, amongst other things.  The good news is, these changes can be reversed with an appropriately structured rehabilitation program through a qualified health practitioner.

What should I expect from my rehabilitation?

Everyone is different, so no two rehabilitation programs will be exactly the same. There are a number of key elements that should be considered by the health practitioner when designing your rehabilitation program.

Condition-specific – the interventions prescribed should be specific to the type of procedure you have had performed. For example, a program designed for someone who has had bunion surgery will be different from someone who has had plantar fascia surgery. The actual structures involved in these procedures, that being the bone, tendons, fascia and joints, are completely different, hence why rehabilitation needs to target the specific structures affected.

Patient-centred – Rehabilitation needs to consider the qualities, functional ability and goals of the person we are working with. For example, the needs of a 15 year old elite gymnast with a traumatic foot fracture will be different to that of an elderly female who has fallen and sustained a similar foot fracture.

Evidence-based – The evidence for certain interventions in constantly changing and evolving, and a forward-thinking practitioner will be aware of the current best-practice management in their specialist area. Research allows us to know which treatments work, and which don’t, plus those that require further study to really evaluate their outcome.

In conclusion, rehabilitation is vitally important following many types of foot surgery procedures, including bunion surgery, hammertoe surgery, heel pain surgery and many more. It should form a key part of your foot surgery journey and commitment will promote optimal functional ability and return to activity.

Our team at Perth Podiatric Surgery are able to assist patients in their rehabilitation after foot surgery in Perth. Feel free to book an appointment today by calling 08 9383 3851 or visit